Hello, companions welcome back to my article today we will be going through how to make and sell an NFT on open-sea this article is a no-code article so regardless of whether you can code or are exceptionally specialized or not this is the sort of thing that you can do, and we will do everything in less than 10 minutes before we get into it however make a point to hit that like this article for more tech and coding related article Leave down in the remarks another article you need to see and moving along we should get into it. The main thing we want to do to make and sell an NFT is really want to have a wallet.OpenSea is a notable commercial center for purchasing advanced resources. OpenSea is an NFT commercial center where purchasers and vendors associate; many individuals contrast it with an “eBay for purchasing computerized resources.” The site utilizes blockchain innovation, which empowers single exchanges to occur. Savvy contracts consider the satisfaction of preset circumstances before the execution of a transaction.OpenSea is generally viewed as the first and biggest NFT commercial center, where clients might sell and purchase an assortment of advanced products.
Make an account
I as of now have an account, yet I will make another to make sure we can track together first thing we want to do is explore metamask.io from that point we really want to tap on download now from that point go into your expansions. We should begin assuming you’re new to meet veil we will go to make a wallet make another secret word, and afterward, they will constantly give you a mysterious recuperation state so try to record your mysterious recuperation express or your mystery word elsewhere OK there we go as you can see we just set up our first wallet our first virtual wallet is quite simple the remainder of the article I guarantee you will be similar however simple as this OK next up we may be going to go on open sea basically you can consider a stage where you can offer on purchase sell nuts.
Connect our wallet
In the subsequent stage we really want to associate our wallet to open sea from here we will join to go profile interface your wallet go next interface record and there you go we are associated it is that simple next up how about we make an assortment so we should go to my assortments make an assortment then, at that point, it’s requesting a mark demand sign OK here we go, so we really want to have a couple of things required one being a logo picture I surmise I ought to pause and delay here, and you’re most likely pondering spat what is your not you will sell well of course. you can offer on purchase sell nuts.
Photo of my dog
If you know me, you’ll recognize a photograph of my dog. He is my pride and joy. I’m considering removing this image since it’s intended for article purposes, but yes, my NFT will feature a photo of my dog. For the logo image, it makes sense to use my dog’s picture.
This image will appear on your collection’s landing page, category pages, and more. We won’t include a banner image, but feel free to fill those out. The name of our collection will be ‘Dirty Harry and Mugs,’ and I think my dog has the coolest name!
You can also add various features, such as category links and creator royalties. The more information you provide, the more credibility you bring to your collection. You can add creator royalties and choose the blockchain where you’d like to mint your new items from this collection.
Payout wallet
So, let’s add three items. First, you need to include a payout wallet address, so go back to your wallet. That looks good! Now, let’s create the collection. You can see we have our ‘Dirty Harry and Mugs’ collection, but it currently says ‘no items to display.
Next, we need to add an item. The last thing to do is upload it. It’s getting dark, so I need to speed this up because I have to eat dinner, and so do Harry and Mugs. Speaking of the boys, let’s proceed. Click on ‘Add Item.
We’re going to add ‘Harry and Mugs.’ You can see this is already part of the ‘Dirty Harry and Mugs’ collection. You can also add various properties, levels, stats, and other features to the collection. Specify the number of items that can be minted. As I mentioned, it will be on the Ethereum blockchain. Let’s get this done!
Create your first NFT
We just created our first NFT and now can sell it so as you see here it’s all up here all the details if we go sell then right here we can put a list item for sale in which we will give either a fixed price or you can also give an auction price then how much you’re going to sell it for the duration.
It’s Going to be up for and then from there click on the complete listing, okay so as I mentioned I’m not actually going to sell this NFT because it’s not something that I put a lot of work into, or I’m passionate about, and I don’t know if I want someone owning my dog they’re just they’re everything to me, but I hope this article was really helpful in understanding just how simple it is to connect your wallet to open sea get your NFT up there.
Start selling
Start selling. It’s really that easy! Many people think they need to be very tech-savvy to participate in blockchain or NFTs, but that’s not the case at all.
Thank you for watching this video! I hope you found it valuable and helpful. Please leave a comment about another topic you’d like to see, and I’ll see you all soon. Thanks, everyone.
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