Hey guys, welcome back to the article. Today’s article is a very important article, About Fiverr gig the ranking. If your Fiverr gig is de-ranked then, you will find a solution to get back your Rank Fiverr Gig, If you haven’t liked the article yet then please subscribe and hit the bell notification. Also, please like this article and comment on your views to motivate me to create more valuable content for you guys.
Reason for Gig De-ranking
First of all, let’s find out why the Gig gets de-rank in the first place. There could be a lot of reasons for gig de-ranking like your account parameters such as response rate, response rate means when you, reply to the new chat messages. If you can reply within one hour, it’s very good for your account, however, if you are replying late this will not be good for your account, and this could become a reason for de-ranking. There could be other parameters also such as order cancellations, delivery rate, your activities, and more. All these parameters help the Fiverr algorithm to define your rankings on search pages.
Gig Result Ranking
In the Fiverr search result, you will find gig shuffle, which is very prominent and ongoing. If you search for the same keyword again and again, you will find a different gig result ranking, this is called gig shuffle. This happens to give opportunities to the new sellers. And because of this lot of gigs gets de-ranked. Those gigs that are deteriorating in services are replaced by new gigs on the search result, to test the new gigs potential too. This way the gig rotation continues. So now let us see what you need to do if your gig is de-ranked.
Getting your Rank Back
If you work on these points, you will increase your chances of getting your rank back. The very first point is “profile update” Profile update doesn’t mean only profile description; it’s about updating your overall profile. You must do a profile update at least once every three months, to let Fiverr know that the seller is very active on the Fiverr platform.
Update profile
So what all things can be done in the profile update? Update your profile description, because as you work, your experience increases, so you can update your experiences and other stuff in your profile description. You need to update other things as well such as, can take skill tests as per your service, which is displayed in your profile. You can have your certifications on online courses available on Fiverr. In short, you need to do all the things that are available in the profile, and regularly update them as required.
Gig Update
The next point is, “Gig update” Here you need to update your whole gig because if you haven’t updated your gig for a long time, it is considered a negative point in the Fiverr algorithm. So you need to regularly update your gig, you can even update your tags once a month, no problem with that. You can shuffle your keyword placements or edit some descriptions. If you don’t update your gig regularly then it will fast track your de-ranking. so in case, you haven’t updated your gig for a long time, Then you must try updating your gig which includes descriptions, tags, prices, and other stuff that are there in the gig such as you can add or modify FAQs, add or modify gig extras, update the requirement section, add a new PDF portfolio file, update thumbnails.
Content of your gig
This way updates all the content of your gig. The third point is, Get some orders and five-star ratings from buyer requests. This suggests to Fiverr that You are not sitting idle and working to get orders, the more you try to get orders, the more activity will be there on your account. This could help you revive your rankings on Fiverr search results.
Get some new orders
So get some new orders and increase your activities on the Fiverr platform, because being active on Fiverr is also one of the important points for rankings. When the Fiverr system sees a decrement in your activities then the De-rank happens. If you notice that your activity on Fiverr has decreased recently, it’s important to increase your engagement. Improving activity doesn’t only mean being online; it also includes updating your gigs, responding to messages promptly, and maintaining regular communication with clients.
Active on Fiverr
Being active means you need to take some action such as you are sending buyer request replies. Like if you are searching for something on Fiverr, you are changing your gig and checking your competitor’s gig, all these come under being active rather than just being online on Fiverr. So start all these activities on your account, recently if you haven’t got any orders or five-star ratings then you must start work to get some orders and a five-star rating. This also helps your gig to revive.
Keyword shuffle
The next two points are also important points that you must try. The next point is “keyword shuffle” Here you can try changing your targeted keywords. For example, if you have tried a keyword like “signature logo design” now you can change your target keyword to “modern logo design”. You can change the targeted keywords but keep it related, don’t do major changes. This is just to change a bit on the focus keyword for the gig. This is also an indication that you are working to get orders and this also helps in getting back ranking.
Updating your Subcategory
With this, you can try one more thing, which is updating your subcategory. For a gig, you cannot change the main category so just try and see if you can see any ranking improvement after changing the subcategory. So all these points which we have covered, you need to do it gradually over the week; here we want to show that we are daily doing some activity on Fiverr.
Let’s say for example, on the first day we updated the profile, the next day we updated the thumbnail, then we updated the description, on the fourth day, gig extras, the Fifth day, take some skill test, like this. So do all these activities gradually over the week by doing one thing at a time per day. Then check if there is any improvement in your ranking.
Do something daily
So do something daily because here your daily activity matters a lot. If you’ve implemented all the recommended steps and waited 3 to 4 weeks with no improvement in your Fiverr rankings, the next step is to take action. Focus on enhancing your gig visibility by optimizing keywords and descriptions, promoting through external channels like social media, offering discounts, updating your portfolio, and gathering buyer feedback to improve your service offerings. These steps should help you gain traction and improve your gig ranking over time.
Repeated orders
If you have repeated orders from old customers or anyhow you are getting some orders from this gig then just carry on doing all the activities mentioned earlier with this gig and work on the repeated orders and with this, You can create a different account which would be on a different machine, a different internet and a separate mobile for the app. This way you will have a backup account to work on. Other than this, what I recommend to the Fiverr sellers is, do not just depend upon Fiverr, use some other platforms also such as up work, freelancer, Guru Etc.
Multiple sources of projects
Due to the increasing competition on Fiverr, even top-rated sellers experience a shuffle in gig rankings. As more new sellers enter the platform, they often get a chance to rise in rankings, which can cause established gigs to drop. So to conclude, do the basic activities that we have just discussed and also on your backup account as well as other platforms. If you start working from the first day with other platforms together, then gradually you will find multiple sources for projects. This will keep your orders going even if one of the platforms like Fiverr de-ranking happens. So now you can consider a backup account on Fiverr or consider other platforms for freelancing. I hope this information will help you get out of this Fiverr de-ranking problem.
Also in my Articles on Upwork: How to create a professional Upwork profile
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